🎴Layout, ⚡ Hot Reload in Flutter!!!
Creation of own layout in our app using a Flutter framework!! Hot Reload:- It is modified our flutter file just by saving it. Do some changes and just saved, it gets automatically updated in a second. For that, we need to add a hot reload in the main dart file show below. import 'package:flutter/material.dart' ; import 'ui/home.dart' ; main () { runApp ( MyApp ()); } //following code is for hot reload class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build ( BuildContext context) { return app1 (); } } For changing status bar color just add code in pubspec.yaml file and then save it after saving run cmd flutter pub get and automatically install the library. fluttertoast : ^7.0.1 flutter_statusbarcolor : ^0.2.3 Flutter toast is useful for...